RSBS Digest: Real Men

As a result of some recent trends in male hygiene including facials, manicures and waxing and due to the ability of some well-known male artists like Justin Bieber to call the entire idea of masculinity into question, many pundits of different creeds, colors and class have tried to reclaim the idea of manhood.  This reclamation seems to center on the Paleo movement, wilderness retreats and a new found appreciation for beards.  However, I question the basic premise.

Yes, there are disturbing trends.  For instance, Mark Sanchez:

But is that really any different than this?

Well, as a matter of fact, yes.  It doesn’t matter what Sean Connery is wearing.  Even if he was getting a cucumber facial while a small Vietnamese woman applied wax to his nether regions, Sean Connery is still James Bond.  And he’s a man who may get photographed wearing a wedding dress but could also make this little number his b**ch:

The problem is not so much a lack of manhood.  It’s just that for every Daniel Craig, we have two or three Ashton Kutchers.  That’s not a good ratio.

There’s probably not a whole lot we can do, though.  The death knell sounded the day we went from this:

to this:

It always comes back to A-Rod.



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